Tuesday 21 August 2012

Clomid Round 2 Complete

    So Last night I took my last dose of clomid for this cycle. My OB upped my dosage to 100mg and now we just need to monitor when I ovulate so we can make sure we appropriately time everything. I am so hoping this will work! We are lucky that Hubbs has next week off from work, so we will have plenty of time for humping it out passionate love making. hahaha if this is successful I would be due at the end of may (23-25ish), which is about 5 weeks before school ends.  I could make it for almost the whole school year, which for the kids is ideal. 

    My summer at home with sweet Ben is wrapping up as well, as I go back to work monday.  We have had many big milestones this summer!! Ben is sleeping in a toddler bed AND he is fully potty trained! I was told by so many people that he would just not be ready until after he was 3, and here he is, not even 2 and a half and he is fully trained! YES! So pumped.  He is just my big boy now! 

   We are all excited to get back into the regular routine, and Ben really misses the other kids from the sitter's. He asks for them on a daily basis. So it is crunch time, time to finish up some projects from Pinterest that I started and get my school year going.

   I am feeling really positive about this cycle and can wait to see the results!!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Infertility Sucks

Round 2 of Clomid begins tomorrow. Awaiting a call from My Dr. to see how to proceed.
I just... I don't even know yet.

Friday 10 August 2012

CD 23

And so the crazy making continues!
I am currently about 8 DPO and I of course had to break out a test this morning since my temps were still so high, but i only had a digital test. It of course came up not pregnant, but being the official crazy person that i am, I decided to pull the test strip out to see if there was any line at all, and of course there was a light second line. This is not uncommon for digitals, as they detect not only HCG the pregnancy hormone, but also the presence of LH which occurs when you ovulate. Some people however have seen these two lines and had a neg. digi, but were still pregnant. See the crazy maker!! It's not my fault!! hahaha
Anyway, I am going to buy some pink dye cheapy tests tonight and retest tomorrow. In the mean time.... the crazy making continues!!

Wednesday 8 August 2012


08/08/08- I married my best friend. Today we celebrate 4 years married and 7 years together. In those 7 years, we both graduated university, we have moved 3 times, bought a house, got our dog Kona, lost a baby, welcomed our son to the world, and are now trying to have more babies. It has been a busy 7, but the most wonderful in the whole world. I  can't imagine my life without the Hubbs. He is my rock, my confidant, my very best friend and the person I can't do without. I love you babe!! Here's to many, many more years. xoxoxox