So this month I have decided to start taking a full B complex vitamin. I currently am taking a prenatal and Vit. D (the D to replace the calcium the thyroid meds take from my system) This past weekend I did some research and read about adding B6 to my list of supplements. As research shows, B6 helps in lengthening a short Luteal Phase(which I seem to have), and without the proper amount of B6 in your system you may not be able to sustain a pregnancy. It was recommended to me to take at least 50mg a day and increase it up to 200mg if you don't see results. The B12 is great for reducing the risk of Heart Disease, and I also read that it helps you absorb the B6.
So hopefully I will notice a change by the end of this cycle. I know that it may take some time to get fully into my system, but even lengthening my LP by 1 day would really help. Last month it was 9 days, so if I can increase it to 10 days it may be enough for an egg to attach. If not, I also have researched Soy Isoflavones which basically is nature's "Clomid". Clomid is what doctor's prescribe to patients to help encourage (or kick start) ovulation. I cannot go see my doctor regarding fertility until we have been trying for a year without success. So, even though I know I have a problem with late ovulation and short LPs and I have loads of data(6+ months of BBT charting) He still will not see me regarding the matter. SOOO since I cannot get clomid, I researched a natural alternative, which is called "Soy Isoflavones".
As research seems to show, and I quote here " "Soy Isoflavones" is a natural plant derived phytoestrogen (phyto means plant), which is an anti-estrogen, just like Clomid. Both are known as SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). It works by fooling your brain into thinking its estrogen levels are low. This causes your body to reslease more FSH & LH which helps stimulate follicle production (same as Clomid). " apparently you can buy this at Walmart for 7-8$. So I have decided that if this is not my cycle, I am going to hunt this product down and try it next month. I am already too late to try it this month because you have to take it on Cycle Days 1-5 or 2-6, or 3-7 or 5-9. I am on CD 6 now, so too late, but it gives me a plan for next month.
I am clearly a Type A personality... I need a plan to keep me sane on this TTC path I am on.
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