Friday, 27 January 2012

Waiting to "O"

    This is the most boring time in my cycle. The waiting and waiting for ovulation.  Now in my last post I mentioned that if baby did not occur this cycle I was going to start Soy.... riiiiggghhhhttt.. so I came across a bottle at my local Shoppers Drug Mart.  I have been on the hunt since CD 3, and low and behold, I finally snapped up a bottle on CD 8.  Now the recommendations are to take it CDs 1-5, 3-7 or 5-9... I decided to tempt fate and took it CDs 8-11. 100mgs each evening at supper.  I threw caution to the wind and I guess you should Ovulate from 7-10 days after you stop your soy.  That would put me O-ing around CDs 18-21 rather than CD 30-32. I am currently on CD 13 and now just waiting to see if I happen to Ovulate any earlier than last month.  BOOORRRRING!!
     I am currently home enjoying a snow day with my boy. He just went down for a nap and it has been quiet down his end for about 5 minutes AANNDD the plow just went by. Nice.
Oh, as for side effects while on the soy, I took them at 5pm each evening in order to keep at 4-5 hour space between them and my synthroid, and felt pretty good. I was however, (according to Hubbs) slllightly more irritable than usual.  hahaha I really felt it too. Very frustrated with my family, and my kiddos at work! yikes!! Let's hope I don't have to keep on taking the soy for long!
   IF and I repeat IF we finally get pregnant this month I will be due around Halloween.  Gosh that would be fun to have a tiny wee one to dress up this year!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Vitamins, Vitamins and More Vitamins

     So this month I have decided to start taking a full B complex vitamin. I currently am taking a prenatal and Vit. D (the D to replace the calcium the thyroid meds take from my system) This past weekend I did some research and read about adding B6 to my list of supplements. As research shows, B6 helps in lengthening a short Luteal Phase(which I seem to have), and without the proper amount of B6 in your system you may not be able to sustain a pregnancy. It was recommended to me to take at least 50mg a day and increase it up to 200mg if you don't see results. The B12 is great for reducing the risk of Heart Disease, and I also read that it helps you absorb the B6.

     So hopefully I will notice a change by the end of this cycle. I know that it may take some time to get fully into my system, but even lengthening my LP by 1 day would really help.  Last month it was 9 days, so if I can increase it to 10 days it may be enough for an egg to attach.  If not, I also have researched Soy Isoflavones which basically is nature's "Clomid". Clomid is what doctor's prescribe to patients to help encourage (or kick start) ovulation.  I cannot go see my doctor regarding fertility until we have been trying for a year without success.  So, even though I know I have a problem with late ovulation and short LPs and I have loads of data(6+ months of BBT charting) He still will not see me regarding the matter.  SOOO since I cannot get clomid, I researched a natural alternative, which is called "Soy Isoflavones".  

      As research seems to show, and I quote here " "Soy Isoflavones" is a natural plant derived phytoestrogen (phyto means plant), which is an anti-estrogen, just like Clomid. Both are known as SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). It works by fooling your brain into thinking its estrogen levels are low. This causes your body to reslease more FSH & LH which helps stimulate follicle production (same as Clomid). " apparently you can buy this at Walmart for 7-8$. So I have decided that if this is not my cycle, I am going to hunt this product down and try it next month. I am already too late to try it this month because you have to take it on Cycle Days 1-5 or 2-6, or 3-7 or 5-9. I am on CD 6 now, so too late, but it gives me a plan for next month.
I am clearly a Type A personality... I need a plan to keep me sane on this TTC path I am on. 

Saturday, 14 January 2012

The Verdict

Annnnnddddd the verdict is in...

I  am ...... NOT pregnant

Even though my temp still was sky high today, no drop like normal, I tested this morning and it was a very clear negative.  I have some spotting, not full period like spotting, just tinted CM, and only sometimes when I wipe, but I'm sure it's just a slow start. 
Worst part was that I really had hoped that with all the differences in my cycle this month, this would be it, but nope. It's still not my time.
I think I need to go back to my doctor and talk to him about lengthening my Luteal Phase and hopefully I can get something to help push my ovulation back so that I get more of a regular 12-14 day LP rather than the 7-9 days I have had since July. 
Deep down I fear that I have a secondary infertility or something. I have gotten pregnant twice now, and have had one successful pregnancy, but that just doesn't guarantee that it will happen so easily this time.  
My Doctor once called me "Fertile Mertile", clearly he was mistaken.

Thursday, 12 January 2012


  So today I am 8 DPO and for the first time ever my temp has gone up. Typically I have a temp spike around 6-7DPO and then the next day is a drastic drop and my period starts by 8DPO. Now Fertility friend says that I am only 7 dpo, but I am pretty sure based on all fertility signs as well as my temp drop that I actually ovulated a day earlier. So in reality I usually have started bleeding today 8 DPO. hmmmm #1.  Also last night I had some pink tinted CM and I was pretty sure that I was out. I figured that by this morning that AF would be in full swing. Nope. Much to my shock, nothing this morning and a temp rise.  hmmm # 2.  I also noticed that I ovulated 2 days earlier this month. Typically I am on CD 32 for ovulation, but this month it was CD 30. hmmm #3.  Now, as opposed to last month I have NO "symptoms" or phantom symptoms as they tend to be called(since you work yourself up to think you have symptoms) none at all. I remember that this was also the case when I was pregnant with Ben. I was away camping/hiking for the weekend with Hubbs and another couple when I thought I was going to get my period, and never did.  I got up the nerve 3 days later to test, and it was positive.  hmmm#4
  All these things have me thinking, but I don't want to get my hopes up yet. I have decided to wait until next week to test if AF doesn't show on her own.  It is just too hard to see the negative. 
Did I also mention that 3 other friends on FB announced their pregnancies?? That's like 5 in 2 months.   
Will I be part of this Baby-palosa?? Here's hopin!!

Friday, 6 January 2012

In Retrospect

   This morning I was talking with the Hubbs about how I was feeling about this being my last vacation day. I told him that I was pretty bummed out this time that I had to go back to work. Ben is at SUCH a fun age right now, learning so many new things, saying so many funny things, that I am actually sad to be leaving him this time.  This time last year Ben was 9 months old and still not being a good sleeper. He was still either up every 2 hours or he would sleep from 7:30pm-2am and then be up for the day. I was a basket case. Literally. BUT I was so excited to be going back to work and becoming "Hillary" again. I really felt like I lost a huge part of myself after Ben was born. During my maternity leave, I felt like I lost who I was, I really felt like a prisoner of my own life. I think there were times that I probably should have seen someone (a professional) to discuss my feelings, because looking back now, I think there was a strong possibility that I had some postpartum depression. So going back to work last year meant reclaiming a HUGE part of who  I am. I LOVE what I do and sometimes feel lost when I am not teaching. It's just what I was meant to do in life.

   Fast forward to now, and the reluctance in going back to work is just that I love the personality Ben is showing, and I have loved watching him play and learn and grow. These are the reasons that I am looking forward to having more children. I can't wait to see my kids grow and learn. It's such a privilege to be a part of it all. I am of course a little scared for the time after a new babe joins our family. It was rocky at best with Ben, but we pulled through, so I figure that I can't cope any worse than I did last time! hahaha
Hubbs and I have grown so much as a couple in the last 2 years that I feel like we are ready to take this on again, and I really believe that we will get through it easier than last time.

    On the Baby making front, I am on CD 31, and I *Think* I ovulated 2 days ago based on the rise I have had in my temps. I feel like the timing this month was much better, but I am still not confident. I think that I am just assuming I won't be pregnant this month to avoid the disappointment that was last month.  I do feel calmer than last month, which is good not only for me,  but also for Hubbs. Way less stress. We will see what happens! I should know within 12 days.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Hello 2012

I love new beginnings. I love the start of a new season, the start of a new school year, and especially the start of a new year. I am the type of person who feels a type of freshness with each new section of time. I even love ripping off the page on my calendar on the fridge. I always feel as though I can put to bed all the things that I struggled with or had a hard time coming to terms with, and start new. I love taking the time to re-organize my house and get things going for another year. 

     2011 was a good year in the fact that I saw some things in my life go the way I hoped and prayed. There have been many times in my life that I did not get the things I thought I wanted, or things I really did want, but late spring was good to me this year. I am so thankful to have the job I have now, and have the sitter we wanted for Ben. God heard me this time round, and for that, I thank Him each day.  Financially, professionally, and romantically 2011 was fantastic. Hubbs and I were able to get back to our normal selves. We struggled with knowing how to still be "Us" after Ben was born, and with me going back to work, and lots of discussion, tears, and time, we have worked our way back to being fantastic partners for each other again.  I am so in love with that man it's ridiculous. He is my very best friend and keeps me laughing each and every day. 

     What can I say about my sweet Ben. He is just the icing on my cake of life. What a joyful, happy child we have. I am lucky to have been chosen to be in his life as his mother. What a blessing he is. 2011 marked the year our sweet boy turned one (cue mommy tears) firsts like walking, running, singing, skipping etc.. I could go on and on about my little monkey. He truly is such a blessing.

     In 2011 we celebrated the marriage of my Brother in law and his (now) wife, their daughter's first birthday and another year with our beloved Bernese Mix pup Kona. There has been just so many joyful moments with friends and family. I am lucky to be surrounded with amazing people, both in my personal and professional life. phew! what a year!
     There of course are always bumps in the road and disappointments,  but being a glass half full girl, I choose to put to rest my woes and my sadness of what wasn't to be, and tuck 2011 away with fond memories of what was GREAT.

My Hopes and Dreams for 2012 (aka the resolutions)

I hope:
1. To remember to keep my patience with both Ben and Hubbs
2. To not measure myself with the successes or failing of others
3. To make sure I take Me time and do the things I enjoy (like cake decorating!)
4. To thank God every day for the gifts in my life. I recently heard a quote " what if today you had only the things you thanked God for yesterday?" and it really made me think that I need to make sure that God knows how thankful I am for the things in my life. I ask for, and pray for a lot, but do I thank as much as I ask?
5. To be a supportive Sister/Sister-in-law during their pregnancies
6. To Love on my Husband and Son everyday, and make sure they fully know I love them
7. To hopefully expand my family again, and be blessed with a new little life
Here's to the start of a new year, and to the hopes and dreams of 2012!