Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Ramblings...A Little about us

So now that I have jumped into this, I feel like I should give a little background to my life. 

    I am Hillary, a 28 year old wife and Mom. My Hubbs and I have been together for 6.5years, married for just over 3. We met at our mutual university part-time job, both with significant others at the time.  Our other relationships faded out, and we began to date. 2 Years later we married on 08/08/08 on the most beautiful day ever, and December that same year we unexpectedly found out we were expecting. We had talked about children of course, and we were starting to toss the idea around of adding to our family, when I realized that my dear sweet friend Aunt Flo was no where to be seen.  This came as a surprise because I was on Birth Control, and had been for the 10 years previous with no problems... so, needless to say, I was shocked when that test showed two sweet lines.

    I remember that moment like it was yesterday.. glancing down in utter disbelief, mouth dropped wide. I was pregnant!! I started to smile, ran into our bedroom, bouncing on the bed, waking my still sleeping Hubbs up, waving the test in his face.  We were shocked and thrilled and terrified all at the same time. 

    Fast forward two weeks of smug secret keeping, to Christmas day. We naively announced to our families that we were going to be parents. We all were so excited and our Christmas day was sweet and blissful.  December 26th 2008, a day I will never forget.  I was having a lot of back pain, and just attributed it to sleeping wrong, and then the bleeding started.  I was so terrified, and I couldn't stop from crying and shaking. Deep down I knew what was happening.
    I went to my Doctor's office the next day, and he sent me for an ultrasound.  Hubbs and I went to the ultrasound appointment, terrified hand clutching terrified hand.  The ultrasound screen said it all, and the silence from our tech spoke volumes.  We just sat there staring at the picture of my empty uterus. Devastated.   Our dreams and excitement robbed from us so quickly. 
     It turns out that my thyroid levels were extremely high, diagnosing me with Hypothyroidism.  My loss was due to my high levels. I was put on synthroid and have been on it ever since. 
     It took 6 months for my levels to get back to normal, and for us to get the go ahead to start trying to conceive again.  Hello July 2009, first month out for us, no charting, no temping, BAM, I was pregnant again. 
      After another bleeding scare at 7 weeks and a difficult pregnancy (which I eventually will tell you all about) I was blessed with a quick and easy delivery, and a beautiful peanut of a baby boy (5lbs11oz).  Ben hung out in the NICU for 5 days on phototherapy lights to get his bili levels down, and then we were able to take him home. 
        It has been almost 20 months since Benjamin's birth and We feel ready to add to our family once again.   Currently I am on cycle day 21 out of a possible 40(ish) I have irregular cycles and I ovulate pretty late in my cycle.  So we are jumping into this thing with both feet for the next 2+ weeks.

     That is a tidbit of where we have come from, and where we hope to end up.  Keep your fingers crossed that we can get pregnant quickly again!!

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