Thursday, 11 April 2013


This has been one Un-be-fuckin-leavable week. 
No my cousin did not pass away.

I   had  a miscarriage...



What chu talkin' bout Willis???

I know my same thoughts.  On Friday April 5th I started spotting kinda brownish. Nothing consistent, just there when I wiped (PS if this is TMI, don't read the rest). I didn't think too much of it, since I was 11 DPO I though maybe ovulation spotting maybe.  Saturday, same thing, Sunday same until around 8pm. Spotting changed to dark brown/red chunks of tissue, and some reddish blood.  I was starting to get concerned.  Not sure what was happening.
I told my husband what was happening, and said " the last time I had anything like this, I was having a miscarriage" and He said "Oh..." 
Monday morning comes, and I wake up to get ready for work and go to the bathroom and instantly fill the toilet with dark red blood and clots and tissue. It was like a murder scene in my toilet. I was shocked. Even on my worst periods, this never has happened.   Holy shit what is wrong with me.
I still go to work, trying to piece together what is happening. 
I meet up with one of my BFFs whom I happen to work with (I am so lucky to work with my two very best friends.) who had 2 miscarriages in 6 months, and ask her about one of hers, and she said it really sounded like I was miscarrying. 
By 1030am I was going out for playground duty, and by this point I have soaked through 3 pads. I went to talk to my VP.
She immediately sent me home, and requested I go to the ER to get checked out.  Because if I wasn't pregnant I needed to know what was happening, and if I was, I needed to know what was happening.
I called my mom (Thank Jesus she lives close) she picked me up a pregnancy test and then came to get me from work.  We went back to her house, and I took the test. 

No EFFING way   2 lines.......


I call Dave to update him (I had updated him all morning) and we head to Emerg.

I was asked to take a pregnancy urine test which was positive and then they gave me an abdominal ultrasound which showed nothing. So they whipped out the transvag cam and checked out my uterus closer. It was filled with blood, and they could see it all leaving my body. I should pass it all naturally, and we can try again anytime.

So I found out I was pregnant and was miscarrying all at the same time. 

To be continued.....

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