Friday, 30 March 2012


Long time, No post!!
It has been a busy last 2 weeks for sure!! On the 23rd we celebrated our little love's 2nd Birthday!! I managed to curb the desire to breathe into a paper bag all day. Where has the last 2 years of my life gone? Where is my baby? He is such a big boy now! At 2, Ben loves Mickey Mouse(Still), Elephants, Trains and cars.  He can say more words than I can keep up with on a daily basis. He can form sentences that make sense to what he wants( as in Ben want more supper). He follows directions frequently when he chooses to, and loves to "run," and "Drump"(jump) He is finally a great sleeper, and we cut the bottle out of his life. He loves to play outside and he loves a good cookie. He is just so funny and sweet.  He is a happy and content boy at 2. We are so stinkin' lucky to have him in our lives. 
To celebrate our Ben, we had a family "Mickey Mouse" party.  Ben had such a fun time loving on both sides of his family.  We bought him a train table for his birthday, and have heard "Toot-toot"non-stop since! hahaha
After we tucked away all the birthday fun, it was onto writing student report cards, as well as having a district team in our school to review/rate our practises. next week we are onto the Parent/Teacher meeting and then I am HOME FREE for the Easter weekend!!!!! SO pumped and I CAN'T wait!!! So in between writing reports, and planning and creating birthday decor, I have been a busy girl!!
I did speak to the OB's office and found out it will be a 6 month wait until I can get an appointment. boo.  I am disappointed for that, but I think things may be settling cycle wise. I had a 33 day cycle this month AND I ovulated around day 24ish. The LP is still not great, but I think that the Soy may be bringing my ovulation on earlier. WOOT WOOT!  I am going to start the soy again tomorrow until day 7 and I have kept up with the B complex. So we shall see. I was a little shocked to see AF start yesterday, and disappointed that we will not be having a baby in 2012.  Hopefully 2013 is it and we don't have to wait until 2014!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Coming to Terms

This has been the theme of my life for awhile now. Coming to terms with the fact that I wasn't getting pregnant right away again, coming to terms with all the other people surrounding me that are having babies, annnnddd now coming to terms with..... You guessed it.... "Secondary Infertility".

The title itself sounds terrible. Like I contracted some disease or something.  As you probably could tell. I had my Doctor's appointment yesterday, and some of my worst fears were realised. I DO have a problem, and it's something my GP isn't comfortable treating.  HOWEVER I have been referred to the OB/GYN that I worked with when I was pregnant with Ben. So for that alone, I am grateful. He is a wonderful man and doctor and I feel safe having my fertility placed in his hands.  I am kinda glad that I am not the only one seeing this "un-able to get pregnant" thing as a problem. It's not just me. phew!!
But, now I am walking a very unidentified path. I feel like Alice in Wonderland when the broom sweeps her path home away.
So I am now waiting for a call from Doctor Sheppard with an appointment, where I will get a full Fertility work up. Hubbs also has to get a full fertility test too, so we will know where our problem lays.  It could be something as simple as a hormone im-balance or it may be something more complicated. 
At least we are on a path that will give us some answers, the path may be uncharted and scary, but at least I have my Hubbs' hand to hold as we walk it.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


So, Not too much has been going on here since I last posted. Other than a day of Ugly cry when AF showed up on CD 42. I currently am sitting on my couch while my babes sleeps. I am off on March Break for the last week and have gotten NOTHING done that I wanted to. I have the flu! AGAIN! Thank goodness it isn't stomach flu like last time, just the stuffed nose, coughing, chills, fever kind.  So I basically laid on the couch all week. Boo.
On Wednesday I am going to the Doctor's to discuss my cycles and see it there is anything he can do for me at this point. My cycles have been out of whack for 14+ months now, and I am OVER it.
Let's hope he sends me home with some concrete info and a plan. I just KNOW something is up.
I am terrified and no one really understands.